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  • Writer's pictureThe Dayton Weekly News

Young Ladies Aspiring Greatness Celebrates 10 Years of Service

By: Emmalee Dotson Young Ladies Aspiring Greatness Contributor

On June 24,2023, Young Ladies Aspiring Greatness (YLAG) celebrated 10 years of empowering teen-aged African American girls to make a difference in the communities around them. With the help of many sponsors and organizations that were willing to offer opportunities, as well as the great work of founder Ms. Shirelle Stroud , YLAG has been able to continuously fulfill it’s mission.

“I felt as a Ylagger the 10-year anniversary fundraising gala was a great way to celebrate the work we have done in the community and really see how YLAG has impacted us as people and to see how we are supported by people in the community. It was also nice to see everyone be recognized from the great work they have done.” states current Ylagger, Kennedy Andrews.

During the gala, YLAG’s many initiatives were recognized for the great impact they have had on the community. “ YLAG represents the heartbeat of community service. They continue to shine as examples of leadership and commitment with a willingness to making a difference in all that they do. 10 years of volunteer service in the community shows the strong commitment these young ladies have given themselves too. We are proud of each of them and their contributions to our community. Shirelle Stroud is to be commended for her dedication to the young ladies of the Greater Miami Valley. Her hard work and consistent dedication over these 10 years has made the girls of YLAG’s lives and experience immensely greater through volunteerism and philanthropy. “states Trotwood Mayor Mary McDonald. Over the years, YLAG has touched over 70 girls, many parents, and our community with the hopes of making a difference each step of the way. Throughout their journey, the community have begun to grow an unconditional love and support for YLAG. “ I absolutely LOVE the opportunity to be connected with Shirelle Stroud and the work she is doing with YLAG. Because her work is an alignment with what I believe- to whom much is given much is required- I will always say “Yes!” when she calls on me. WE are the village that is responsible for the growth and development of the young ladies in our community.” states Dr. Karen Townsend.

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