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  • Writer's pictureThe Dayton Weekly News

Central Missionary Baptist Church Prepares to Install New Pastor

The members of Central Missionary Baptist Church invite you to the installation of Pas-tor Elect, Rev. Bryant Butler on Sunday, April 24, 2022. The public is invited to the morning worship service at 11:00AM and installation service at 3:00PM. Central Missionary Baptist Church is located at 5160 Derby Rd., Dayton, Ohio 45417.

Rev. Butler was born and raised in Chicago, IL. He currently resides in Huber Heights, Ohio. He accepted the call to ministry at the age of 15 while serving as a Junior Deacon, Junior Sunday School superintendent, and a member of the School of Christian Growth at United Baptist Church. After graduating from high school, Rev. Butler enlisted in the United States Air Force as a Security Forces member.

After completing basic training, he was assigned to Offutt Air Force Base, NE. While serving at Offutt, Rev. Butler joined Zion Baptist Church. There he held the position of Youth Pastor. In 2002 he relocated to Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, continuing to work as a Security Forces Member. He retired in 2015. He began a second career as a Rural Carrier with the United States Postal Service and is assigned to the Troy, Ohio branch.

He is presently a member of the New Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, Sardis, Alabama, where his brother, Rev. Byron L. Butler is pastor. His brother will conduct the installation service. Other churches, guest ministers, guest choirs and musicians have been invited to attend and take part in the installation service.

Central Missionary Baptist Church was founded in 1966 under the leadership of the late Rev. Raleigh Trammell. Rev. Trammell left a great legacy for the church, Dayton community, local and national civil rights and religious organizations.

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