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West Dayton

In 2019, The City of Dayton announced a plan to improve parts of West Dayton, an area which we believe sorely needs new and intentional investment.


The information below was taken directly from the City's Planning Division page, which includes plans for all Dayton neighborhoods.

West Land Use Area

West Land Use area combines the planning districts of Inner West and Southwest. The borders of West Land Use area are Wolf Creek to the north, and the Great Miami River to the east. Adjacent jurisdictions include Harrison Township, Jefferson Township, and Trotwood. US 35 bisects the West running east/west and allows for major north/south corridors like James H. McGee Blvd and Gettysburg Ave to have great vehicular connectivity. West Third Street and Germantown Road are other major thoroughfares running through West Dayton.

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City of Dayton Development Plans

Pineview Neighborhood Plan (2020)

The Pineview Neighborhood plan focuses on identifying neighborhood priorities, developing long-term strategies to strengthen and grow the neighborhood, and prioritizing opportunities for additional placemaking.


Carillon-Edgemont Neighborhood Plan (2018)

The Carillon-Edgemont Neighborhood Plan covers the two planning districts of Carillon and Edgemont and is meant to serve as a guide to create a blueprint for the communities’ future that captures resident’s hope and aspirations and sets the stage for future investment.


Miami-Chapel Choice Plan (2018)

The Miami-Chapel Choice Plan aims to rebuilding the fabric of the Greater Miami Chapel neighborhood through the creation of new housing, improved infrastructure, and strengthened social supports.


Greater West Dayton Corridor Plan (2017)

The Greater West Dayton Corridor Plan provides a guide that integrates the City of Dayton’s asset and place-based economic strategy to impact and improve overall community confidence in the future of the City along major strategic corridors in the West Land Use Area.


West Dayton Neighborhoods Vision (2019)

West Dayton Neighborhoods Vision is a document that integrates all planning efforts in West Dayton and sets forward a path toward redevelopment through a place and asset-based investment approach. The plan emphasizes the reunification of the northern and southern halves of West Dayton that were bisected by the construction of U.S. 35 and the strengthening of strategic corridors.

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